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Pre Cycle Testing

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Individualised Care: 

An initial assessment of your general health will be performed and previous history will be taken before advising you which tests/investigations you need. The tests may include some or all of the following depending on what you need (a complete list will be given to you once you are a registered patient):

Blood tests (Men and Women)

1. Rubella (German Measles)
All female patients are tested for Rubella immunity. If there is no natural immunity to Rubella, then vaccination must be undertaken before commencing treatment. This eliminates the potential danger of the effects of Rubella with early pregnancy.

2. Hormone levels
Oestrogen, Luteinising Hormone, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Prolactin and Follicle Stimulating Hormone levels are generally tested on day 2 or 3 of your cycle prior to treatment to ensure that these are normal.

3. HIV
There are four reasons for performing this test

1) the risk of a pregnancy to a female who is infected with the virus. Pregnancy may have a negative impact on the health of an HIV positive woman.

2) the risk of transmitting the HIV virus to a child during childbirth.

3) the theoretical risk of frozen embryos / gamates transmitting the virus to other patient`s embryos / gametes

4) the risk to fertility centre staff that are handling body fluids from a large population on a daily basis. We would be required to take special precautions with samples from HIV positive patients.

4. Hepatitis B and C
Hepatitis has similar risks to HIV. Hepatitis is more infectious than HIV, although the death rate is much lower. Both partners should be tested. These tests are also of vital importance for the freezing of couples gametes and embryos.

Baseline Ultrasound Scans (Women)

A vaginal ultrasound is required. The reasons for the ultrasound are to:

1. Determine if there are any physical changes, such as fibroids or polyps, that may effect your cycle, and also check for the presence of ovarian cysts;

2. Assess the ease of 'access' to your ovaries, as your eggs will be collected using an ultrasound-guided method;

3. Provide a 'baseline' report that can be used as a reference during your treatment cycle;

4. Measure the size of your ovaries and count the number of small follicles present in your ovaries.

Occasionally you may need other baseline scans done prior to treatment cycles. Most women find a vaginal ultrasound to be a relatively painless and simple procedure. The woman's partner or a support person can be present during the procedure if she wishes. An empty bladder is required for this procedure.

Semen analysis (Men)

Two semen analyses are required. At least one semen analysis should be performed at the our laboratory prior to egg retrievalas test results can vary between laboratories and also over time. These analyses may include tests for sperm antibodies in the semen and checks for possible infection that may affect fertilisation. Details on collection of the sample will be given to you when you make your appointment. Our laboratory also does a detailed preparation to determine what the best technique for preparing your sample is.

Semen production

For some men, providing a semen sample on the day of egg collection can be quite embarrassing and stressful. We endeavour to make this event as easy as possible for you:

  • it is important to remember that the personnel who will be dealing with you and your sample are doing their normal day's work and, although it may not seem so to you, find it quite commonplace.
  • there are alternatives to producing your sample at the Clinic. The sample may be produced off the premises and brought to the Clinic in the appropriate sterile container (as long as the time to travel is within one hour).
  • The sample does not need to be produced by masturbation. Your partner may accompany you .
  • WE also has the ability to freeze your sperm. It could be used as a back-up to prevent any problems occurring on the day of your partner's egg collection. It should be noted that sperm freezing may reduce the motility of your sperm and ICSI may then be required.
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