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Scientific Activities

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A- International courses / conferences


  • 29th Annual meeting of ESHRE, London, United kingdom, 3 to 6 July 2013.


  • 1st Annual World congress of ICGO, Guangzhou, China, 2 to 4 December 2012
  • 68th Annual meeting of ASRM, San Diego, USA, 22 to 24 October 2012.
  • 28th Annual meeting of ESHRE, Istanbul, Turkey,1 to 5 July 2012.


  • 27th Annual meeting of ESHRE, Stockhol, Sweden, 3 to 6 July 2011.


  • Fertility Forum - SHAPE in clinic meeting, Ankara, Turkey, 2 to 3 December 2010.
  • 26th Annual meeting of ESHRE, Rome, Italy, 27 to 30 June 2010.
  • The subfertility and Reproductive Endocrinology course & The Assissted Conception Theoritical course. A collaborative course between the Royal Colleage of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and SMC. Alexandria, 26-30 April 2010.


  • Intra-cytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) workshop held during the 16th annual  meeting of MEFS. Cairo, Egypt, 6 of November 2009.
  • 16th annual meeting of MEFS. Cairo, Egypt, 4 to 7 November 2009.


  • 12th annual meeting of MEFS, Luxor, Egypt, 23 to 26 November 2005.
  • Workshop on Reproductive Endocrinology and Molecular Biologyheld during the 12th annual meeting of MEFS, Luxor, Egypt, 23 November 2005.
  •  21th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20 to 22 June 2005.
  • Certificate of accreditation of 11 - 13 +6 weeks Fetal Ultrasound Scanning, Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF), linkoping University, Sweden, February 2005.
  •  Training program on advanced gynecological cancer surgery, Lund University, Sweden, 10th - 24th January 2005.
  •  Modern Management Training Program (MMTP) in Egypt, Morocco and Jordan on Health Care Quality Management, international workshop, 1st kick of and Steering Committee Meeting, 11-15 November 2004, Vaxjo University, Sweden.


  •  20th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Berlin, Germany, 27 to 30 June 2004.


  • A joint meeting between The Society for the study of patho-physiology of pregnancy organization gestosis (OG), Basel, Switzerland (35th international annual scientific meeting) and The International Fertility & the Egyptian ICSI Centers (8th international annual scientific congress) Alexandria, 9th & 10th of October, 2003.
  • The 2nd Annual Mediterranean Congress for Reproductive Medicine, Alexandria, 28th -30th of May, 2003


  •  9th annual scientific congress of the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), Cairo from 1/11/2002 to 2/11/2002.

B- Local Courses/Conferences


  •  25th Annual Scientific Conference of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Alexandria University,4-6 May 2011


  •  The fourth Alexandria forum for women’s health and development. The Suzanne Mubarak regional center 24-25 March 2010


  • The 1st International Annual Conference for Gynecological Endoscopy, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine in collaboration with Egyptian Association of Gynecological Laparoscopies (EAGL), January 31th   – February 1st , Convention Center, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine.
  • 29th Annual scientific congress of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine “Future Medicine”14th-16th of May 2008.


  • 28th Annual scientific congress of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine “Hospital and Healthcare Management”5th-6th of April 2007.
  • Interactive presentation in medical education workshop, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, 28th-29th March 2007.
  • Alexandria forum for women’s health and development, Suzan Mubarak center, 21st -23rd March 2007.
  • 3rd annual scientific meeting “Updates in woman health”, Egyptian Post Fertility Society in collaboration with Arab Group of Menopause, Helnan Palestine Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt. 15- 16 March 2007.


  •  27th Annual scientific congress of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine “Medical Research” 23th-24th of March 2006.


  • Course of operative laparoscopy held in the Egyptian Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (EAGL) training center 20/9//2003 till 26/9/2003.
  • Operative endoscopy workshop of the 8th Annual Congress of The Egyptian ICSI Centre, 11th- 12th of October 2003.


  • MEFS Hysteroscopy Workshop, October 29th & 30th, 2002.
  • Alexandria Fertility and Gynecology Forum by the Alexandria Fertility Center. Alexandria, March 7th & 8th, 2002.
  • The First International Congress of Galaa Assissted Reproduction Unit (GARU), held in Cairo, MAY 23rd & 24th, 2002.
  • 7th Annual Congress of the Egyptian ICSI Centre: New Frontiers in Reproductive Health. Alexandria December12th & 13th, 2002.


  • 6th Annual Congress of the Egyptian ICSI Centre: New Frontiers in Reproductive Health. Alexandria November 1st & 2nd, 2001.
  • Alexandria Fertility and Gynecology Forum by the Alexandria Fertility Center. Alexandria, March 22nd & 23rd, 2001.
  • Training course for preparation of the university staff members by The University of Alexandria, October, 2001.


  • 5th Annual Congress of The Egyptian ICSI Centre: Fertility Management: The road to success. Alexandria November 23rd & 24th, 2000.
  • Alexandria Fertility and Gynecology Forum by The Alexandria fertility Center. Alexandria, March 30th & 31st, 2000.
  • Workshop for Training of Trainers (T.O.T) For Obstetrics and Gynecology by The Ministry of health and population and JSI: Healthy Mother and Child Project (in cooperation with USAID). Alexandria, June 2000.
  • The Annual Congress of the Egyptian Fertility and Sterility Society, Cairo, September 19th & 20th, 2000.


  • Training course for Norplant service provision in family planning by the Regional Center for Training in Family Planning and Reproductive Health. Alexandria February 2nd - March 5th, 1998.
  • 13th Annual Scientific Conference of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Alexandria, March, 1999.
  •  4th Annual Congress of the Egyptian ICSI Centre: Fertility Management in the 21st Century. Alexandria October 28th & 29th, 1999.


  •  ECG training course, Alexandria medical syndicate from 15/2/1997 to 15/3/1997.
  • General practitioner training course , Alexandria medical syndicate from 22/3/1997 to 3/4/1997.

C- Local Courses/Conferences Organized


  • Organizer: Workshop of Menopause: Treasuring the pas – shaping the future. Organized by the Menopause special interest group during the 16th annual meeting of MEFS. Cairo, Egypt, 6 of November 2009.


  • Organizer: The first annual meeting of the Egyptian Post Menopause Society, Alexandria, 31th July 2003.
  • Organizer: Pre-Congress workshop on Recent Advances in The Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, for 17h Annual Scientific Conference of The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Alexandria, April 8th & 9th, 2003.
  • Organizer: 17h Annual Scientific Conference of The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Alexandria, April 10th & 11th, 2003.


  • Organizer: Low Ovarian Response in Infertility. Pre-Congress workshop to The 9th Annual Scientific Congress of The Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), held by the Reproductive Biology and Molecular Endocrinology Interest Group, Cairo, October 28th, 2002.
  • Organizer: The First Scientific Workshop on Evidence based Medicine: how to apply to Ob-Gyn Practice by The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Alexandria, June 27th, 2002.


  • Organizer: 16th Annual Scientific Conference of The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology: New Perspectives in Reproductive Health. Alexandria, May 9th & 10th, 2001.
  • Organizer: Workshop on Infertility, ART, and Applied Molecular Biology, Pre-Congress workshop for 15th Annual Scientific Conference of The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Alexandria, April 17th & 18th, 2001.
  • Organizer: 15th Annual Scientific Conference of The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology: Reproductive Health in The 21st Century. Alexandria, April 19th & 20th, 2001.


  • Organizer: 14th international annual scientific congress of the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Alexandria University. 28th - 30th April, 1999.

D. Theses supervised





Comparison between steroid expression in serum and follicular fluid in normogonadotrophic and polycystic ovary patients undergoing assisted reproductive techniques

Dr. Nahla Mahmoud Ahmed



Comparative evaluation of vascular endothelial growth factor (A) expression in pre ovulatory follicular fluid in normogonadotrophic and endometriotic patients undergoing assisted reproductive techniques

Dr. Nana Mostafa Badr



Relationship between ultrasound parameters and intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcome in polycystic ovarian syndrome treated by non agonist protocol 

Dr. Sherin Mahmoud Ghazal



The role of martrix metalloprotinease 2 in the culture media in embryo implantation rate in normogonadotrophic cases undergoing ICSI

Dr. Amr Gamil Koritam



Effect of folic acid administration on plasma homocystein level in preeclamptic patients

Dr. Seham Atef Morsy



Comparing the effect of GnRh antagonist versus microdose flare up agonist protocols on ICSI outcome in poor responders

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Shaban



Use of herbal medicines and vitamins among pregnant women attending family health centers in Alexandria 

Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abd Elaziz



Prevalence of high risk types hman papilloma virus 16/18 in cytologically abnormal cervical smears in Alexandria, Egypt. A cytological and molecular study.

Dr. Mona Sobhy Alkharashy



Study of a single neocleotide polymorphism; rs 7903146of  transcription factor 7-like 2 gene with gestational diabetes mellitus in a sample of Egyptian patients

 Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed Foula



 Study of a single nucleotide polymorphism; rs 1788994 of glucokinase gene with gestational diabetes mellitus in a sample of Egyptian patients 

 Dr Nahed Algazar  Msc 2012 

 The role of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in the culture media and embryo implantationrate in normogonadotrophic cases undergoing ICSI 

Dr Amre Koritem   Msc  2012

Gestagen versus oral contraceptive pills to induce withdrawal bleeding before induction of ovulation by clomephine citrate in polycystic ovary syndrome  

 Dr Dina Hassan  Msc 2013 

The effect of immobilization after intrauterine insemination on the improvement of the pregnancy rate  

Dr Noha Salem   Msc  2013

 A comparative study between vaginal contraceptive ring and combined oral contraceptive pills before ICSI cycles 

 Dr Hassan Rizk  Msc  2013

 Fixed gonadotrophin releasing hormone antagonist protocol versus gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist long protocol in patients with PCO treated for ICSI cycles 

 Dr Doaa Ibrahim  Msc  2013

 Role of Dietary Management of Obesity on Enhancing Pregnancy in Obese Polycystic Ovary Patients Undergoing ICSI 

 Dr Ghadir Samy  PhD  2013

 Endometrial preparation for cryo embryo transfer: effect of GnRha coupled with oestrogen and progesterone on hormonal profile and pregnancy rate 

 Dr hind Abd Allah Aly  Msc  2013

 Comparative study between three methods of stem cell separation from cord blood 

 Dr Mona Alshabasy  PhD  2013

 Day 3 embryo transfer versus day 5 embryo transfer in cases of ICSI  

 Dr Mounira Aly  Msc  2013


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